Stuck? Get an explorer on the docking bar, select the offending morph in its submorphs and evaluate "self delete"

On 4/6/17 7:33 PM, tim Rowledge wrote:

On 06-04-2017, at 3:52 PM, Hari <> wrote:

This is a hack- but I found that behaviour of the DockingBar in swallowing
all passing morphs very irritating and fixed it in my image by setting
"dropEnabled: false" in DockingBarMorph's initialize method.
I’m inclined the same way but if it has to accept drops of general morphs it really, really, ought to do the same trick that the ObjectExplorer does to make a thumbnail that will fit into the height of the dock bar. And probably make sure there is a good area surrounding it to allow a pickup to drag it out of the dock again - I just managed to drop one of those ‘rotating second hand’ morphs from Bob’s message about rotating morphs. The select target is impossible to hit, so it’s stuck there. :-(

tim Rowledge;;
Strange OpCodes: MC: Melt down Core