On Aug 29, 2023, at 6:48 AM, Marcel Taeumel via Squeak-dev <squeak-dev@lists.squeakfoundation.org> wrote:

Hi all --

Please find attached a change-set that unloads Etoys from Squeak 6.1alpha #22748 (and later).

Let us use this artifact to discuss the future of Etoys in Squeak 6.1 and beyond. You can use Monticello or the ChangeSorter to take a look at what's needed besides unloading the Etoys package itself. Also check preamble and postscript of the attached change-set.

!!! Yes, simply re-loading the Etoys package is not enough to restore basic Etoys functionality. There are several sub-method changes needed for the Etoys integration into the base system.

Here is what would still work through the package MorphicExtras:
- Games
- Sketches and PaintBox
- Flaps
- CalendarMorph
- SpectrumAnalyzerMorph

Here is what would still "work" through the package System:
- Object storage (ImageSegment etc.)
- ProjectLoading

Here is what would still work through the package Protocols:
- Lexicon tool
- Vocabulary framework

Here is what would be gone:
- Tiles, viewers, and scripts
- Players and costumes
- Pen trails, Turtles, ...
- References, CustomEventsRegistry, ScriptingSystem
- Siblings for (Player-only) uni-classes
- DeepCopier support for (Player-only) uni-classes
- Preferences #noviceMode, #eToyFriendly, and more

Note that we still have several Etoys-compatible releases such as Etoys 4/5/6 and Squeak 5.1/5.2/5.3/6.0. Best compatibility is probably with Etoys 5. Most updated base system is probably Squeak 6.0. :-)

So...should we remove Etoys from Trunk at this point?

I would like to see EToys cleanly unloadable, but I would like it to remain in the standard distribution.  Certain EToys functionality, such as the webcam support, should be separated from the core EToys package.  A proper list of these elements that have broader use should be made.

Please share your thoughts. And feel free to also report issues with loading/using the attached change-set itself.
