Jason Johnson wrote:
On 10/24/07, Jason Johnson <jason.johnson.081@gmail.com> wrote:
No, the plan was that since in Smalltalk objects are mutable, I will
have to pay an extra cost for internal message sends and have the VM
do a deep copy for the sent objects.

Ack, terminology overload. :)  What I meant here is, obviously if I
sent a message between two literal images there is no choice but to do
a deep copy.  Erlang gains some benefit from sending interprocess
messages where the sender and receiver are in the same literal image
via reference, but I can't because Smalltalk can mutate variables.  So
this means I have to do the deep copy in *every* case.  Unless I make
some changes.


No, you'd not have to deep copy every time you send the messages. You can send references and when accessing them in the remote image (or image B if you prefer) you can ask the local image (or image A if you prefer) to send the missing data. Now this assumes that the objects in image A didn't change in the meantime. Yikes. Problems are getting worse. You can't avoid them. There is no silver bullet with this attempt at simplifying concurrency. It's a harsh reality.

