FileMan has been adopted in Cuis, and is actively used and maintained there:

In my personal opinion, the FileMan approach is very good. It is conceptually clean and is not unnecessarily tied to any operating system.

IMHO the current Squeak file interface is actually better that it is given credit for, but if we wanted to move to something better then I would suggest looking at the Cuis implementation of FileMan and consider adopting that.


On 2024-04-04 23:55, Tim Rowledge wrote:

I was just taking a look at the FileMan package ( since I've heard it mentioned as having some improved file name handling. It looks like it would need a little mangling for Squeak 6 and it seems to have a difference in how "this string' asDirectoryEntry works that might be a problem.

Current trunk Squeak will return nil if one tries to do 'nonexistentfilename' asDirectoryEntry but FileMan will create an FmDirectoryEntry; so any code that anticipates nil meaning "the file wasn't there" will have issues.

Is anyone using this? Updating it?

tim Rowledge;;
Useful random insult:- A titanic intellect...  In a world full of icebergs.