Thanks for your suggestion!

I am selecting random pointers to chase and getting this in almost all of the results:

globals: Environment
declarations: IdentityDictionary
#ActiveWorld -> PasteUpMorph
submorphs: Array
6: PluggableSystemWindow (3168378)
submorphs: Array
3: PluggableTreeMorph (1993854)
scroller: TransformMorph (3408406)
submorphs: Array
3: IndentingListItemMorph (2996756)
complexContents: PointerExplorerWrapper
item: Association
value: Array

... and the last entry in the list is an object that is a subclass of the HWEntity class, like:

22392: HWGround.

Does this mean that my objects are being held onto by user interface objects? My UI elements are no longer being displayed so I don't know how this can be the case.

Thanks again!
