Ian, thanks. Comments inline.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Ian Trudel <ian.trudel@gmail.com> wrote:
2010/4/30 Casey Ransberger <casey.obrien.r@gmail.com>:
> One thing I didn't do, that I probably should have done, is to explicitly
> list what I think our priorities should be regarding documentation. As much
> as it pains me that we don't have a spell checker, for example, I'd put that
> waaay behind a cleanup effort for class comments; I'd put *all* tool work
> behind that.

I completely disagree on this one. I would concede that editing and
formatting tools may not be as high priority as a spell checker.
However, a spell checker should be mandatory. Many in our community
are non-native English speakers.

Let's imagine there is a documentation frenzy without a spell checker.
People contribute like crazy and we are on a roll. Great you say.
Great it is. Then we realize that we have more documentation but with
poor quality, it's hardly readable. We will be forced to rework all
texts. It sounds like documenting twice the same system! :O

Somehow I doubt we'll have a documentation-frenzy. That would be a momentous day in software history, and a great problem to have.

Okay, I would love to have a spell checker in Squeak. It would need to be:

 - Easy to install. I'm thinking, MC package. Requiring a VM primitive would set the barrier for contribution too high IMHO. 
 - It should be easily unloadable (many of us probably have no use for a spell checker in our images.)

I don't know of a spell checker implementation for Squeak. Is there one out there? If not, can you implement one and then get back to me right away? :P

> So here's my top three priorities (you may of course disagree:)
> 1. Get a process running around using HelpSystem.

I believe in the HelpSystem. It needs some tweaking but it's a good
system to begin with. A mechanism for content contribution and
distribution, as you called it, should be put in place quickly. Trunk
style. Perhaps even integrated to the trunk. It has to be available
everywhere to ensure a good stream of contributions.

Agreed. I just sent another message about this. 

> 2. A useful, current comment for every class.

This could be a good start. One of the thing that should be higher in
priority than #3 is usage examples. It is sometimes time consuming to
figure out how to properly use some classes.

I think examples raise the quality of class comments. Absolutely.
> 3. Consider first method comments which show up in tools that can extract
> them.

Another suggestion: we should have something to tell us how much
documentation coverage we have. This set an objective to our
community: having 100% coverage.

This is actually something that I thought about doing. I'd call it a strong nice-to-have. This one seems like it wouldn't be that hard to pull off, either. 

Coverage is kind of a funny metric though. 100% coverage is great to have, but doesn't tell you anything about the quality of your coverage.

Thanks for your feedback!

Casey Ransberger