2011/8/27 Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de>
The Chile mirror is up.

Just learned about that one. Thanks!

While it seems more stable indeed, it also gets much less traffic. I'n not sure it would handle the load of squeaksource.com as well.

Ok, but spreading the workload on to more than one SqueakSource server by moving selected projects from squeaksource.com as an interims solution could ease the pain, no?
So far we have not opened up source.squeak.org for personal projects.
Hah. Typical Plan B characteristics! ;)

That would be a good idea IMHO - you might ask what the other VM developers think of the idea on the vm-dev list. 

I will forward it to the vm-dev list.
I think the broken SqueakSource is hurting us more than we know!
We discussed this at ESUG and so far the most promising plan is to migrate squeaksource.com to a SqueakSource3 instance running on Gemstone. Tobias should be able to tell us more.

Is there a project page besides the actual beta repo installation?
