Is there any way I can start squeak from a command window, *headless*, and WITHOUT providing a script and have an interactive application^  Say, for instance, my application waits for input and answers back the square of the number I type in?

I've tried a gazillion examples I found and it just doesn't work at all...

I'm on Windows 10 if that helps.

I get all kinds of errors : stdout is not open or "VirtualProtect(x,y,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): No error" or missing ', or variable out of scope (WHAT?!?!?)...

In other words, I'm fed up trying.

I could do that stuff in 2 minutes in any other language and this makes me sick!


BenoƮt St-Jean
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
Pinterest: benoitstjean
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

On Friday, April 6, 2018, 5:28:13 a.m. EDT, Nicolas Cellier <> wrote:

2018-04-06 11:11 GMT+02:00 H. Hirzel <>:
On 4/6/18, Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@> wrote:
> 2018-04-06 11:04 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cellier <
> nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@>:
>> By re-routing one or two rivers, it sounds effectively possible, but we
>> need may little washing particles
> No I don't promise it for May, I meant many


Do you have a particular idea how  an implemenation plan/ outline of
tasks to do  for 'rerouting the rivers for the water to be used for
cleaning' would look like?


Hi Hannes,
isn't it precisely what Tim (and you) are trying to achieve thru this call to goodwill?

>> Labours_of_Hercules#Fifth_
>> labour:_Augean_stables
>> 2018-04-05 19:47 GMT+02:00 tim Rowledge <>:
>>> > On 05-04-2018, at 10:13 AM, K K Subbu <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > is an excellent resource for Squeakers.
>>> However, it's interface is a bit dated and could do with some
>>> improvements.
>>> I agree that the UI is a bit blah (and your suggestions are interesting)
>>> but far more worrying is the out of date state of so many pages.  Every
>>> now
>>> and then I go on a minor rampage to mark obviously obsolete pages,
>>> delete
>>> clearly ridiculous one, recycle those pages, update stuff where I know
>>> what
>>> can be improved and so on. We suffer from a colossal swathe of
>>> effectively
>>> empty pages generated by some long-gone process/project that appeared to
>>> consider that dumping class name as page and (maybe) sticking class
>>> comments in was a good idea. There are strings of pages forming the
>>> promising beginnings of tutorials that simply fade out
>>> to.........{crickets}
>>> Almost anyone can help to clean up the swiki. Pick some page from the
>>> front page, follow it down the rabbit-hole a bit, look at the pages that
>>> link to a duff page, clean them up a bit, recycle bad pages, rewrite
>>> poorly
>>> thought out explanations, maybe replace ancient screenshots with ones
>>> taken
>>> from a current Squeak.  (as an example, take a look at
>>> 3480 - lots of very out of date examples
>>> there). Even simple things like organising into proper lists and editing
>>> text into proper paragraphs can help a lot in readability. You don't
>>> need
>>> to be a great expert to provide a valuable service here - but I bet that
>>> spending some time in the swiki will start to make you an expert, even
>>> if
>>> it's only by making you look up the real state of something!
>>> If everyone on the squeak-dev list edited a swiki page once a week we'd
>>> very quickly see big improvements.
>>> tim
>>> --
>>> tim Rowledge;;
>>> I'm so skeptical that I'm not sure I'm really a skeptic