Perhaps naively, I simply downloaded the binaries and used them to open a 3.10 dev image, which seemed to work fine, FreeType and all...

So...from the helpful doits, it seems that you prepare a second image that carries out the native processes for you?  Or can you run several native threads within the current image?

Very interesting...and what is most impressive is that someone relatively unsophisticated like me could just open an image with the new VM, load the HydraVM package from Squeaksource and get have HydraVM isHydra return true!

A short example of creating a "lengthy process" running in it's own thread would be know, something that just counts for a really long time or something.

This is very interesting!


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Klaus D. Witzel <> wrote:
On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 14:36:30 +0100, Igor Stasenko wrote:

you can download binaries from here

Let me add 2-3 bits: first we also have to thank Alexandre "Alex" Bergel and Guillermo "Guille" Adrián Molina for discussing with us earlier approaches to running Smalltalk on n-core CPUs in parallel.

2nd: what expression (HydraClone new cloneIdleProcess) does for you, is it runs the computational task which is described by the corresponding object subgraph, in a *new* native thread (with own heap and instance of HydraVM). Therefore, on your n-core CPU you can expect that computation is spread among the cores. The #cloneIdleProcess example does just what its name says: it runs Smalltalk's idle process ;) as proof of concept.

You Smalltalkers may have other Smalltalk processes that you want to run in parallel on their own native thread; let us know how we can help you with that.

And in case you need communication between two or more .images, Hydra comes with its channel facility.


"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it". Albert Einstein