Almost everyone I know who Squeaks uses Polymorph, and I enjoyed the heck out of hacking up the Vista style look to have titlebar buttons arranged in a fashion after OS X:P

One problem that I kept having was, it seemed that the load order and versions of Polymorph & OmniBrowser had to be just right or I'd wind up pretty broken. I saw lots of bugginess, although I *was* rolling my own theme, so the bugs may have been my own.

Do people feel that Polymorph is generally stable enough to go in a base image?

 - Ron

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Andreas Raab <> wrote:
Gary Chambers wrote:
If I get some time it may be possible to factor out the changes.
Commercial pressures drive our work, of course.


How do you mean "trade it, say, for MVC"?

Unload one, load the other instead.

 - Andreas

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andreas Raab" <>
To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:46 PM
Subject: [squeak-dev] Re: Title bar bug on trunk

Gary Chambers wrote:
Of course, Polymorph fixes the title-bar font/gripper issue. Feel free to pick the bones out of it.

How about integrating it instead of picking bones? I have not looked at Polymorph in detail and someone knowledgeable (i.e., you ;-) would have to help with it, but it seems like a valuable addition. If we can trade it, say, for MVC, it shouldn't make much of a difference in size either.

 - Andreas

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Trudel" <>
To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Title bar bug on trunk

2009/8/15 Andreas Raab <>:
Ian Trudel wrote:

Another issue but with the trunk. I have tried to update code from the
trunk into my image but there's a proxy error with
right at this minute, which causes Squeak to freeze for a minute or
two trying to reach the server.

It seems to be fine now. Probably just a temporary issue.

However, I don't think such issue should entirely freeze Squeak. An
unresponsive UI isn't really the way to go.

Concretely, does it mean we are limited in the font sizes for any
given font loaded into Squeak?

It just means we should limit ourselves. We can include more fonts but each
takes a good chunk of memory (depending on point size) so we should pick
them carefully. You might want to ask Juan if he can post a "full" set of
point sizes somewhere that people can load and then we pick the three most
relevant sizes ("small", "regular" and "title" font). The current set was
picked by Juan and it works well for me.

The current set isn't bad at all, I must admit. The title is just a
point too big in my opinion. The fonts included are listed in World
Menu > Appearance > System fonts > List fonts ? Juan, is it

Editing the workspace doesn't produce a change set nor monticello
recognize the change. I am not exactly sure how to push this change in
a monticello way. If you give me quick instructions, I will be glad to
do it.

One of the weaknesses of Monticello. I'd recommend adding a menu entry in
the help menu (or reusing the "about this system..." entry) to put up a
workspace with the proper text. Then you can construct the text via:

text := 'Here goes the red bold text.!
]style[(14 3 1 4 6)f1,f1cred;,f1,f1b,f1!' readStream nextChunkText.
(Workspace new contents: text) openLabel: 'About this image'.

To create the formatting for the text, simply inspect a workspace and

String streamContents: [:s| s nextChunkPutWithStyle: model contents].

This should do the trick.

Now everything seems clear. My first thought was to save an image,
which isn't gonna cut it with Monticello. What you propose is to add a
button to open a new window, rather than providing a trunk image with
the license notice already present. It doesn't feel quite right.
Wouldn't it be possible to save a project and upload it to a
repository? Or, perhaps, we should have a container class to prepare
the trunk image, where a project could be stored.

 - Andreas
