=============== Summary ===============

Change Set:        toolCodePane
Date:            5 April 2022
Author:            Christoph Thiede

Improves MVC compatibility for view accesses from model.

* Moves up #someTextPaneWithSelector: & friends from StringHolder to Model and improves documentation on the antiidiomatic pattern they represent.
* Fixes 'run to selection' & 'tally it' button in MVC debugger.
* Improves MVC compatibility in Monticello save version dialog (still, showModally does not yet work, though.)

=============== Diff ===============

CodeHolder>>searchPane {categories & search pane} · ct 4/5/2022 20:19 (changed)
    "Answer the search pane associated with the receiver in its window, or nil if none. Morphic only"

-     ^ self textPaneWithSelector: #lastSearchString
+     | pane |
+     pane := self someTextPaneWithSelector: #lastSearchString.
+     ^ pane isMorph ifTrue: [pane]

Debugger>>codePaneSelectionInterval {code pane} · ct 4/5/2022 19:50 (changed)

-     ^ self codeTextMorph
+     ^ self codeTextPane
        ifNotNil: [:cp | cp selectionInterval]
        ifNil: [Interval from: 0 to: 0]

Debugger>>getSelectedText {tally support} · ct 4/5/2022 19:50 (changed)
    | m interval text |
-     m := self codeTextMorph ifNil: [^ ''].
+     m := self codeTextPane ifNil: [^ ''].
    interval := m selectionInterval.
    text := m text.
    ^ text copyFrom: interval first to: interval last

Debugger>>tally {tally support} · ct 4/5/2022 19:46 (changed)

-     self codeTextMorph ifNotNil: [:o| o tallyIt] ifNil: [Beeper beep]
+     self codeTextPane ifNotNil: [:o | o tallyIt] ifNil: [Beeper beep]

MCSaveVersionDialog>>accept {actions} · ct 4/5/2022 19:57 (changed)
    | logMessage logMessageWidget |
    self updateItems.
-     logMessage := (logMessageWidget := self findTextMorph: #logMessage) text asString.
+     logMessage := (logMessageWidget := self someTextPaneWithSelector: #logMessage) text asString.
    (logMessage isEmpty or: [logMessage beginsWith: 'empty log message'])
-             [(UIManager confirm: 'the log message is empty; are you sure you want to commit') ifFalse: [^ self]]
+             [(Project uiManager confirm: 'the log message is empty; are you sure you want to commit') ifFalse: [^ self]]
        ifFalse: [logMessageWidget accept].
    self answer: {
-         (self findTextMorph: #versionName) text asString.
+         (self someTextPaneWithSelector: #versionName) text asString.
        ignore }

MCSaveVersionDialog>>okToClose {actions} · ct 4/5/2022 19:57 (changed)
-     ^ (self findTextMorph: #logMessage)
+     ^ (self someTextPaneWithSelector: #logMessage)
        ifNil: [true]
            [:widget | widget canDiscardEdits or: [self confirm: 'Version notes are not saved.
Is it OK to discard those notes?' translated]]

Model>>dependentTextPaneWithSelector: {*Tools-private} · ct 4/5/2022 19:42
+ dependentTextPaneWithSelector: selector
+     ^ self dependents detect:
+         [:dependent | dependent isTextView and:
+             [dependent getTextSelector == selector]]
+         ifNone: [nil]

Model>>someTextPaneWithSelector: {*Tools} · ct 4/5/2022 20:17
+ someTextPaneWithSelector: aSelector
+     "Try to find the text pane for aSelector in my dependents or my window. Note that this is a hack only and violates the original idea of the model-view pattern. Usually, the communication should come from the view instead, e.g., via a pluggable selector."
+     ^ (self dependentTextPaneWithSelector: aSelector)
+         ifNil: [self textPaneWithSelector: aSelector]

Model>>textPaneWithSelector: {*Tools-private} · mt 4/12/2015 19:45
+ textPaneWithSelector: aSelector
+     "If, among my window's paneMorphs, there is a text pane defined with aSelector as its retriever, answer it, else answer nil"
+     | aWindow |
+     Smalltalk isMorphic ifFalse: [^ nil].
+     ^ (aWindow := self containingWindow) ifNotNil:
+         [aWindow paneMorphSatisfying:
+             [:aMorph | (aMorph isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph) and:
+                 [aMorph getTextSelector == aSelector]]]

PluggableTextView>>tallyIt {as yet unclassified} · ct 4/5/2022 19:50
+ tallyIt
+     self controller tallyIt.

StringHolder>>codeTextMorph {*Tools} · ct 4/5/2022 20:16 (changed)
-     ^ self someTextPaneWithSelector: #contents
+     "Find a Morphic text pane that displays the contents of the receiver. Note that this is a hack only and violates the original idea of the model-view pattern. Using this selector in your model will likely break compatibility with other UI frameworks such as MVC. Usually, the communication should come from the view instead, e.g., via a pluggable selector."
+     | textPane |
+     textPane := self codeTextPane.
+     ^ textPane isMorph ifTrue: [textPane]

StringHolder>>codeTextPane {*Tools} · ct 4/5/2022 20:16
+ codeTextPane
+     "Find a text pane that displays the contents of the receiver. Note that this is a hack only and violates the original idea of the model-view pattern. Usually, the communication should come from the view instead, e.g., via a pluggable selector."
+     ^ self someTextPaneWithSelector: #contents

StringHolder>>selectedInterval {*services-base} · ct 4/5/2022 19:46 (changed)
-     ^self codeTextMorph selectionInterval
+     ^self codeTextPane selectionInterval

StringHolderView>>accept {controller access} · ct 4/5/2022 19:59
+ accept
+     ^ self controller accept

StringHolderView>>text {controller access} · ct 4/5/2022 19:56
+ text
+     ^ self displayContents text


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