On 10/17/07, gruntfuttuck <gruntfuttuck@gmail.com> wrote:

How is squeak going to handle multy-core CPUs, if at all? If we see cores of
100 plus in the future and squeak stay as it is, I would imagine other
languages such as erlang, will look more attractive.

The answer seems pretty obvious: modify the VM to support them. I'll skim over the details which I'm sure everybody already knows.

My question is: what are we going to do with multi-core CPUs? The code in the image is almost all single threaded. Morphic freezes up when I run something in the workspace (!!). Smalltalkers just don't seem to understand multi-threaded code, even though the basic capabilities been available to them since day one.

I use Futures now and then; I implemented them myself:

f := Future doing: [ some long computation ].
... insert more code here which runs in parallel with the long computation.
f printResult. "Will block until the long computation has returned the result into f and then print the result. "

I imagine that a parallel collection package would be possible to make:

c := ParOrderedCollection new. "or ParSet, ParBag..."
c addAll: lots of stuff.
c do: [ :each | each doSomething ]. "Will fork a Process for each element in c. "
c map: [ :each | each transform] andGather: [ :each :sum | sum combineWith: each]. "Google's map and gather algorithm"

Object>>changed: can be modified to be parallel; this makes the dependents/updating framework parallel. I did this and the image seemed to work fine.

There's heaps of parallel stuff you can do in Squeak. One day I'd like to have a crack at making the VM use pthreads more, but that will be the day after people actually start writing parallel code.

