Hi Ron - yes! Funnily enough I've spent the last two months struggling with this very subject :)

How are you planning to integrate with Caché? My first priority was to try to integrate with their ODBC drivers - there's a thread about it on this list here. Eventually I did get success, but as you can see from the thread, it's certainly a non-ideal solution.

Upon communication with their (admittedly pretty helpful) support staff it turns out the timer is internally set up to control a timeout value within their own unix driver software. Of course, the whole issue I found doesn't apply if you're working with windows as their ODBC driver is completely different, the integration works just fine - within the boundaries of FFI, of course.

We're now at the point of trying to decide what to do. The whole point of all this is to add Caché as a supported database for GLORP (and have it work on other OSes than Windows - preferably Linux in our case), but I'd be interested to know how you intend to use it. We're considering whether to try to hit the metal directly and write pure Squeak drivers for Caché, but we're not sure whether they'd give up the specs to us of how we need to communicate with their server. The PostgreSQL drivers for Squeak seem to encapsulate a nice generic framework from which base other pure Squeak database drivers, but whoever developed it never did the required abstraction: I wonder if anybody ever did it, started it, or even considered doing it?

Anyway, it's nice to know we're not the only people trying to break this ground now :)


Ron Teitelbaum wrote:

Hello All,


Has anyone worked with the Caché Database system: http://www.intersystems.com/ .  I’m interested in possible integration with squeak.


Ron Teitelbaum

President / Principal Software Engineer

US Medical Record Specialists



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