On 2013-03-12, at 00:18, Chris Cunningham <cunningham.cb@gmail.com> wrote:

I like the image that Bert sent below.  Is there anything in Squeak that does something like this?  Or, better yet (for me), that would make it look like he image was torn out of a page - frayed, uneven edges that indicate the image is not a complete picture, but just part of one?

Just paint a suitable mask using your tool of choice. Then:

mask := PNGReadWriter formFromFileNamed: 'mask.png'.
image := Display copy: mask boundingBox.
mask displayOn: image at: 0@0 rule: Form blend.
image asMorph openInHand.

Feel free to use the mask I attached (but you have to bow once to my mad artistic skills). It might be invisible in your email client though, unless it does display the gray background I tried to set.

- Bert -