
just updated a trunk image through a proxy here without any problems, but the proxy needs no authentication, so I can't say if this got broken on the way. I would try to do a full update via a direct connection and see if the problem with your proxy is still there with the fully updated image.


2010/7/12 Enrico Spinielli <enrico.spinielli@googlemail.com>
now that I try to update to trunk (from behind an authentication proxy) after a short while I get a debug window with
Error: Could not access http://spurce.squeak.org/trunk

The problem seems to originate in MCHttpRepository>>allFileNames
where the call to HTTPSocket httpGet:args:user:passwd:
does not succeed.

I retried my initialization for web
HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: 'xyz.zy.yz.zyx' port: xyzy proxyUser: 'xxx' password: 'yyyyyyy'.
HTTPSocket httpShowGif: 'http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif'.
but it now fails.

Do I have to download .mcz manually from squeak source? Any hints?

Thanks in advance
PS: I was/am at update 10282

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 23:20, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:
On 6/18/2010 12:47 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:
I'm also starting to wonder if one couldn't retain an *extremely* simple
HTTPSocket implementation that doesn't deal with anything complicated
(i.e., no proxy support, no redirect, no auth, just the simplest
possible case) and have a more fully fledged client handle the more
complicated uses. (the idea is mainly to keep MC working for the
bootstrap cases where you can assume a simplified environment)

All right, the deed is done :-) The commit message didn't show since it's been too big but you can find it here:


In addition the latest version of WebClient now registers itself with HTTPSocket so that if you load WebClient it will provide the implementation for HTTPSocket requests.

Please note that there's potential for breakage since the rewrite was quite significant. If you notice anything that's broken please report the issues here.

 - Andreas

Enrico Spinielli
"Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
"Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick