
Cog performance is incredible. My application improved 3 times speedup. And I now does not need special caching logic in my program.

But I found very strange behavior in xml dom parsing of big text with many russian text (by XML-Parser XMLDOMParser class).

russionXml := String streamContents: [:s | s nextPutAll: '<root>'.
ššš 1000 timesRepeat: [
ššš ššš s nextPutAll: '<item>'.
ššš ššš s nextPutAll: 'ĘŁ×ĮŠŅĻĢÄ'.
ššš ššš s nextPutAll: '</item>'].
ššš s nextPutAll: '</root>'
ššš ].

[XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: russionXml] timeToRun .

In pharo 1.1 I have

567 ms with old VM.
6673 ms with Cog VM.

But all other stuff that I tested work faster with Cog (at 3-4 times faster).