yea, I am sure of it now.

When I inspect the dest pipe and then close it the Xterm shows:

bzcat: I/O or other error, bailing out.  Possible reason follows.
bzcat: Broken pipe
        Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

Its like bzcat was being piped to less
bzcat | less  

and the ctl-c was hit.

or something.

---- On Sun, 16 Jul 2023 13:33:25 -0400 gettimothy via Squeak-dev <> wrote ---

When I modify the bzcatAFileToPipe: filename: and return dest...

bzcatAFileToPipe: pathString filename:filestring
        "Pipe bzcat output to some AttachableFileStream...whatever the heck that is...."

        "UnixProcess bzcatAFile"

        | err filename in pipe2 output dest child path  |
        path := pathString.
        filename := filestring.
        in := OSProcess readOnlyFileNamed: path, filename.
        pipe2 := OSPipe nonBlockingPipe.
        output := pipe2 writer.
        dest := pipe2 reader.
  err := self stdErr.
        child := UnixProcess
                forkJob: '/bin/bzcat'
                arguments: nil
                environment: nil
                descriptors: (Array with: in with: output with: err).
        in close.
"        (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
        child sigterm."
        ^ dest

I get some data with:
|pipe path filename|
Transcript clear.
path := '/home/wm/' .
filename := 'xmlstart.bz2'.
pipe := UnixProcess bzcatAFileToPipe: path  filename: filename.
pipe inspect.
Transcript show:(pipe upToEnd)

But the amount of data is clearly not all of it as the bzcat itself runs for many minutes.
This is over in a second.

Its as if some "push/pull" processing needs to happen somewhere...and I don't know how to think about it yet.


---- On Sun, 16 Jul 2023 12:48:16 -0400 gettimothy <> wrote ---

I have used with good success Monty's excellent XML suite.
The use case I used for SAX processing was with a FileStream on an xml file.

result :=
(SAXHandlerSubclass on: xmlStringOrStream)
documentReadLimit: newReadLimit;
maxEntityReplacementDepth: newMaxEntityDepth;

What I want to do is replace that 'xmlStringOrStream' with something from the OSProcess suite of tools.

I have been working with  the pipes from the OSProcess using one of the /bin/cat examples in the OSProcess class side.

bzcatAFileToPipe: pathString filename:filestring
        "Pipe bzcat output to some AttachableFileStream...whatever the heck that is...."

        | err filename in pipe2 output dest child path  |
        path := pathString.
        filename := filestring.
        in := OSProcess readOnlyFileNamed: path, filename.
        pipe2 := OSPipe nonBlockingPipe.
        output := pipe2 writer.
        dest := pipe2 reader.
        err := self stdErr.
        child := UnixProcess
                forkJob: '/bin/bzcat'
                arguments: nil
                environment: nil
                descriptors: (Array with: in with: output with: err).
        in close.
"        (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
        child sigterm."
        ^ pipe2 

I can successfully stream the output to the terminal by changing the descriptors to:
                descriptors: (Array with: in with: err with: err).

Here is an attempt to just stream the data to a Transcript...

|pipe path filename|
Transcript clear.
path := '/home/wm/' .
filename := 'xmlstart.bz2'.
pipe := UnixProcess bzcatAFileToPipe: path  filename: filename.
[Transcript show:(pipe upToEnd)] forkAt:  Processor userBackgroundPriority named:'Dude'

and nothing happens...

The goal of all this is to be able to replace the FileStream in the below example with "somthing" from the OSProcess.

Transcript clear.
ios := (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed:('/home/wm/usr/src/myxmlfile.xml')).
[(DocDemoSaxHandler on: ios) pingevery:100000; debug:true;  optimizeForLargeDocuments;parseDocument] timeProfile .

thx in advance for any pointers.
