
This message really confuses me (as does the previous version).  It checks for a safe project - I get that.
But then, after if finds the safe project, it stores it in a temporary variable and does nothing else with it?
What magic actually causes Squeak to USE that safe project? I can't find it in this method, nor in the caller of this method (#handlePrimitiveError:).

Very confused,

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 6:22 AM, <commits@source.squeak.org> wrote:
David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-dtl.961
Author: dtl
Time: 2 August 2017, 9:22:02.611529 am
UUID: 4485dae2-bb1b-48ca-bdc1-5f1f4dd89eb0
Ancestors: System-eem.960

When Project class>>tryOtherProjectForRecovery is searching for a safe project to use for emergency recovery, test for projects of a type that the current project inherits from, but do not require that they be of the same class. This handles the case of errors in a FooMorphicProject that inherits from MorphicProject, for which another Morphic project is not likely to be suitable for handling a fatal error raised in the FooMorphicProject.

Expected behavior when evaluating "Project handlePrimitiveError: 'Foobar' "

In an MVC project that is a chlid of a Morphic project, enter the Mophic project and open a debugger on the process that failed in MVC.

In a Mophic project that is a chlid of an MVC project, enter the MVC project and open a debugger on the process that failed in Morphic.

For the common case of a parent project of the same type as the project from which the error is raised, do not attempt to enter another project, and open an emergency evaluator instead.

=============== Diff against System-eem.960 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Project class>>tryOtherProjectForRecovery: (in category 'error recovery') -----
  tryOtherProjectForRecovery: errorMessage
        "Try entering the parent project if it uses a different user interface. We determine this by comparing the project's class."

        | safeProject nextProject |
        nextProject := Project current.
        safeProject := nil.
        [safeProject notNil or: [nextProject isTopProject]] whileFalse: [
                nextProject := nextProject parent.
+               (Project current isKindOf: nextProject class)
-               nextProject class == Project current class
                        ifFalse: [safeProject := nextProject]].
        safeProject ifNotNil: [:p |
                p enterForEmergencyRecovery.
                "Active process will usually suspend after this."].!