I have no idea why TTFileDescription>>profileAll was removed, I didn't intend to.  I may need to resubmit this.

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 5:50 PM <commits@source.squeak.org> wrote:
Chris Muller uploaded a new version of System to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-cmm.1353
Author: cmm
Time: 31 May 2022, 5:50:31.586558 pm
UUID: 52f9f789-3ad3-4ec7-914f-85f05ecaaead
Ancestors: System-mt.1352

Added SmalltalkImage>>#heapMemoryLimit to access the -memory or -maxoldspace arguments passed to the vm.

=============== Diff against System-mt.1352 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>heapMemoryLimit (in category 'memory space') -----
+ heapMemoryLimit
+       "If a memory-limiting argument to the vm was supplied (-memory or -maxoldspace), answer it as an Integer number of bytes, otherwise, nil."
+       | foundMemoryArg |
+       foundMemoryArg := false.
+       Smalltalk optionsDo:
+               [ : each |
+               (#('-memory' '--memory' '-maxoldspace' '--maxoldspace') includes: each)
+                       ifTrue: [ foundMemoryArg := true ]
+                       ifFalse:
+                               [ foundMemoryArg ifTrue:
+                                       [ | arg |
+                                       arg := each.
+                                       "The memory arg is expected to be a number that ends in k, m, or g."
+                                       (arg isEmptyOrNil or: [ arg size < 2 ]) ifFalse:
+                                               [ | requestedMemory |
+                                               requestedMemory := (arg  copyFrom: 1 to: arg size - 1) asNumber.
+                                               requestedMemory > 0 ifTrue:
+                                                       [ ^ requestedMemory * (arg last
+                                                               caseOf:
+                                                                       { [$k] -> [1000].  [$K] -> [1000].
+                                                                       [$m] -> [1e6].  [$M] -> [1e6].
+                                                                       [$g] -> [1e9].  [$G] -> [1e9] }
+                                                               otherwise: [^nil]) ] ] ] ] ].
+       ^ nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TTFileDescription>>profileAll (in category '*System-Tools-profiling') -----
- profileAll
-       "Profile reading all the glyphs"
-       MessageTally spyOn:[
-               1 to: numGlyphs do:[:glyphIndex| self readGlyphAt: glyphIndex-1].
-       ].!