On 2018/8/1 3:29, tim Rowledge wrote:
I finally got around to precising the response to the survey and sticking them on a swiki page. Well, some of them - the 'what annoys you' part still needs doing. See http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1315 "Squeak user survey 2018" and feel free to add more stuff and annotate and comment and start writing code to improve things or implement some of the ideas.

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Strange OpCodes: STOP: No Op

Not sure if it is only me, but when opening https://wiki.squeak.org/, I get a Nextcloud page, with following message:

> Access through untrusted domain ...

https://planet.squeak.org/ also have this problem.

Xin Wang