'From Squeak3.4gamma of ''7 January 2003'' [latest update: #5169] on 17 February 2003 at 1:24:51 pm'! "Change Set: DeprecateMethods-dtl Date: 17 February 2003 Author: David T. Lewis Adds Object>>deprecatedOn:by: to declare a method obsolete and provide a warning to any sender of the message to discourage use of the deprecated method."! !Object methodsFor: 'housekeeping' stamp: 'dtl 2/17/2003 13:14'! deprecatedOn: aDateString by: initialsOrName "Send this from a method which is being marked for future removal from the image. aDateString should be the date at which the method is being declared as obsolete." "self deprecatedOn: Date today printString by: 'Dave Lewis'" ^ self notify: thisContext sender printString, ' was declared obsolete effective ', aDateString, ' by ', initialsOrName, ' and will be removed from the image at some future date.' ! !