On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 3:17 PM Torsten Bergmann <astares@gmx.de> wrote:

as some of you might already know "Tonel" is a file-per-class format for monticello repositories [1].

In Pharo land many projects are already converted to it - as regular "file tree" solution faces issues
with git handling due to very long file names / deep file hierarchy (often leading to trouble on Windows).

Dales's Rowan (a new project/package manager for Smalltalk) supports FileTree and also Tonel
repositories [2]. There is also a tool to convert from STORE (VisualWorks Source-Code Versioning System)
to Tonel format [3].

So I wonder about adoption of Tonel in Squeak land.

Any status/comments?

Jakob is working on a Tonel port, but I don't know more about it.



[1] https://github.com/pharo-vcs/tonel
[2] https://github.com/GemTalk/Rowan
[3] https://pharoweekly.wordpress.com/2019/01/20/ann-sett-store-export-to-tonel-tools-for-pharo6-1/