On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Chris Muller <asqueaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Some people like to "edit text" and some people like to "edit
expressions".  Personally, I find "editing text" pretty old-school,
and a lot more tedious.

You know, I bet this boils down to a simple cost-benefit analysis. For me, the effort required to 
type a character at the cursor position is negligible, so saving that effort is of little benefit. Even 
in cases where I will need to put a $) after the expression I'm typing now, sometimes I'll have to
type right-arrow to get past it. So the benefit is very small and often offset by a small loss.

Similarly, deleting an unwanted character is cheap, but deciding whether to do so is a huge cost.
I have to stop thinking about what I'm doing, and think ahead to what I'm going to do next. Even
if I know I'm going to need the closing character, it stays in my field of view and takes up cycles
as a pending thing that I have to worry about until I complete the encoded expression. 

So, the benefit is small and unreliable, while the cost is large and inevitable. It forces me to think 
about typing, which normally I don't have to do. Thus, it's infuriating.

However, that calculus is very personal. If typing a character took, say, 10x longer, or I had to look
at the keyboard to find the character, the benefit would be much more significant. Also, if I had to
think about where the keys are, then deciding whether or not to delete the character wouldn't be
an interruption; it would just get folded into the "thinking about typing" that I'd do. 

So it probably has more to do with how fast we type than how we think about coding or "editing
text" or even familiarity.
