Agreed...that's why I've been trying to create a new one.  For what it's worth.  I can't output on the existing port either since it seems bound to the internal Mac sound generator.  Oh well.

I'm on the verge of deciding this is impossible (is it really true that no one has made this work?).  If so I'll try to build a primitive to access the portMidi open source code.  I would REALLY like to avoid this path but no one seems to know how to do this seemingly simple thing.


Gary Chambers <>
Sent by:

05/29/08 09:06 PM
Please respond to
The general-purpose Squeak developers list        <>

Re: [squeak-dev] Creating/using MIDI ports with external device,        how to start?

If the only port you have is for output only, trying for input seems futile perhaps?

----- Original message -----
From: John Richards <>
Sent: Thu, 29 May 2008, 12:09:20 BST
Subject: [squeak-dev] Creating/using MIDI ports with external device, how to start?
I'm trying to open a midi port to receive incoming midi commands and am
completely stuck (after a week of trying everything I can think of).  I've
confirmed that the MIDIPlugin is loaded.  I've tried on both Windows XP
and MacOS.  The only port I have available is this:

MIDI Ports:
       0: QuickTime MIDI (out)

Everything I have tried to create a new one has failed in the midi open

I suspect I'm just being dumb and there is an obvious incantation (hope so

Thanks so much for any advice you can provide.
