Hi Chris --

I tweaked it. See if it feels better now.


Am 17.04.2023 09:02:30 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@hpi.de>:

Hi Chris --

Thanks for the feedback! :-)

The issue is keyboard navigation:  I can navigate with letters in the Explorer, but not the SystemBrowser.  It does the filtering use case, but it should also navigate to the best-matching one (e.g., prioritizing front-match first, then substring match), without my having to use the arrows.

Hmm... I see what I can do. We cannot easily re-order filter-results like we do in plain lists ... and there is this trade-off between filter-modes and keeping parents visible etc... Hmm...

So, you want to hit a letter and immediately select the first item that *begins with* that letter if possible? Hmm... currently, it should just be "select first match" without taking care of beginsWith-vs-includes priority... hmm....

I will figure something out! :-)


Am 16.04.2023 01:43:09 schrieb Chris Muller <asqueaker@gmail.com>:

Hi Marcel!

I just tried it.  Really nice!  At first I was concerned about keyboard access, because the tree widget in 5.3 is not great with that.  But, you've made it great!

The only inconsistency I noticed which I would consider a slight usability bug occurs in the new TreeBrowser (SystemBrowser), but not the object Explorer.  The issue is keyboard navigation:  I can navigate with letters in the Explorer, but not the SystemBrowser.  It does the filtering use case, but it should also navigate to the best-matching one (e.g., prioritizing front-match first, then substring match), without my having to use the arrows.

In the Explorer, it appears that the keyboard navigation works to +1 level deep, which seems just right.  It enables both filtering and navigation via the same gesture.

Well done!  Thank you!


On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 10:34 AM Marcel Taeumel via Squeak-dev <squeak-dev@lists.squeakfoundation.org> wrote:
Hi all --

Here are the latest updates on the new TreeBrowser. See attached change set. Almost finished. See class comment. Includes "multi-window support" and all features of the HierarchyBrowser.

Thank you all for testing!!


Am 23.02.2023 15:34:30 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@hpi.de>:

Hi all --

Here is a slightly alternative version of Squeak's default browser. It uses tree widgets for the first three panes, that is, system/class categories, classes, message categories.

Menus, filters, drag/drop, updates etc. should all work as in the traditional "Browser" browser.

SystemBrowser default: TreeBrowser.
SystemBrowser default: Browser.

Please report issues. I plan to merge this soon.

Note that there are 3 preferences:
TreeBrowser showAllClassesInPackage
TreeBrowser showBlankClassIcons
TreeBrowser showEmptyPackages

Yes, there is a slim integration with PackageInfo and Monticello packages.
