'From Squeak6.0alpha of 26 April 2018 [latest update: #17922] on 27 April 2018 at 10:44:37 am'! !ListChooser methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'mt 4/27/2018 10:43'! accept "if the user submits with no valid entry, make them start over" | choice | self canAccept ifFalse: [ self canAdd ifTrue: [^ self add]. ^ self changed: #textSelection]. choice := self selectedItem. self canAdd ifTrue: [ "Ask the user whether to add the new item or choose the list selection." (UserDialogBoxMorph confirm: 'You can either choose an existing item or add a new one.\What do you want?' translated withCRs title: 'Choose or Add' translated trueChoice: choice asString falseChoice: self searchText asString at: ActiveHand position) ifNil: ["Cancelled" self result: nil] ifNotNil: [:answer | answer ifTrue: [self result: choice] ifFalse: [self result: self searchText asString]] ] ifFalse: [self result: choice]. self changed: #close.! ! !UserDialogBoxMorph class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'mt 4/27/2018 10:39'! confirm: aString title: titleString trueChoice: trueChoice falseChoice: falseChoice at: aPointOrNil "UserDialogBoxMorph confirm: 'Make your choice carefully' withCRs title: 'Do you like chocolate?' trueChoice: 'Oh yessir!!' falseChoice: 'Not so much...'" ^self new title: titleString; message: aString; createButton: trueChoice translated value: true; createButton: falseChoice translated value: false; createCancelButton: 'Cancel' translated translated value: nil; selectedButtonIndex: 1; registerKeyboardShortcuts; preferredPosition: (aPointOrNil ifNil: [ActiveWorld center]); getUserResponse! ! !UserDialogBoxMorph class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'mt 4/27/2018 10:40'! confirm: aString title: titleString trueChoice: trueChoice falseChoice: falseChoice default: default triggerAfter: seconds at: aPointOrNil "UserDialogBoxMorph confirm: 'I like hot java' title: 'What do you say?' trueChoice: 'You bet!!' falseChoice: 'Nope' default: false triggerAfter: 12 at: 121@212" ^self new title: titleString; message: aString; createButton: trueChoice translated value: true; createButton: falseChoice translated value: false; createCancelButton: 'Cancel' translated translated value: nil; selectedButtonIndex: (default ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [2]); registerKeyboardShortcuts; preferredPosition: (aPointOrNil ifNil: [ActiveWorld center]); getUserResponseAfter: seconds! !