Float fminNormalized significand 1.0
Float fminNormalized exponent -1022

Float fminNormalized predecessor significand 1.9999999999999996
Float fminNormalized predecessor exponent -1023

But the significand only has 52 bits in this case of underflow.
Gradual underflow is removing the leading 1, so that one should better be written like:
Float fminNormalized predecessor = 2r0.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e-1022
and that means that the exponent is still -1022 for gradual underflow (aka Float emin)...

And the smallest Float above zero is :
Float fmin significand 1.0
Float fmin exponent -1074
Float fmin = 2r0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e-1022


2014-11-25 18:42 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
Hi All,

    who wrote the Float class comment?  Two things,

- first the comment mentions "I" and thanks several people, but there is no comment stamp to reveal the author.  It would be lovely if the author could "sign" this comment

- second, there seems to be a minor error (but I'm no expert), the comment states

"It may help you to know that the basic format is...
sign 1 bit
exponent 11 bits with bias of 1023 (16r3FF) to produce an exponent
in the range -1023 .. +1024
- 16r000:
significand = 0: Float zero
significand ~= 0: Denormalized number (exp = -1024, no hidden '1' bit)
- 16r7FF:
significand = 0: Infinity
significand ~= 0: Not A Number (NaN) representation
mantissa 53 bits, but only 52 are stored (20 in the first word, 32 in the second).  This is because a normalized mantissa, by definition, has a 1 to the right of its floating point, and IEEE-754 omits this redundant bit to gain an extra bit of precision instead.  People talk about the mantissa without its leading one as the FRACTION, and with its leading 1 as the SIGNFICAND."

But if the significand has a leading zero then surely the section in the middle should read

sign 1 bit
exponent 11 bits with bias of 1023 (16r3FF) to produce an exponent
in the range -1023 .. +1024
- 16r000:
mantissa = 0: Float zero
mantissa ~= 0: Denormalized number (exp = -1024, no hidden '1' bit)
- 16r7FF:
mantissa = 0: Infinity
mantissa ~= 0: Not A Number (NaN) representation
