Cmd+Shift+I to "I"gnore any number of changes in the MC save dialog.

Ah, I know about that one. :-) The only thing is that it is tricky to revert such a partial commit, for example, after putting it in the inbox. I would like to be able to not have to reset completely to the latest Trunk version of a particular package but just take back those methods that where uploaded in that partial commit.

Just not different display sizes..  At least, not without awkwardness.  IMO, it would be utterly cool if this "just worked".

Hmm... yes, it would be nice if morph bounds would react to world-extent changes in a user-friendly way. The underlying concern/task might be related to how the RealEstateAgent tries to position new windows already:
- Where to put a new morph/window?
- What to do with the existing morphs (or windows) when the world extent grows?
- What to do with the existing morphs (or windows) when the world extent shrinks?
- ...

Effects might include:
- Restore bounds to as they were for that known world extent
- Look up a known world extent precisely or rounded (+/- 100 pixels?)
- For each morph (or window) record a history of the previous n bounds-world pairs
- ...


Am 08.07.2022 06:05:24 schrieb Chris Muller <>:

Did your request be somewhat addressed by the the in-image scale factor?

I think Eliot's idea sounds like a brilliant enhancement to the new scaling feature.  Smalltalk is already amazing in how you can transfer an image from one computer to another, even across platforms.

Just not different display sizes..  At least, not without awkwardness.  IMO, it would be utterly cool if this "just worked".  It would even be worth backporting to 6.0, to really showcase that new feature even better.

> [...] using Vanessa's superb partial commit feature [...]

Uhh, what is that? :-)

Cmd+Shift+I to "I"gnore any number of changes in the MC save dialog.