We never know, civilian orbital defense guuild...Flea market parts...https://rocketry.wordpress.com/2007/03/26/rocket-engine-junkyard/ Hollywood has a launch team? Three local high schools have a drone-swarm cell entry, that sets up shhop? To the stars..

On 5/26/2017 6:42 PM, Harry Kinslear wrote:
The active military is out with an astonishing custom test launch athrough follow-through deactivate. Would someone trickle-seed fund 9 veteran entries? Who's got coordinates for the local spaceport test launch clearance applications?  Exo-orbital test launching for Psyche, 2023... ^^


On 5/26/2017 12:26 PM, Harold Kinslear wrote:
With a new launch in 2022, "Psyche" arrives on 16 Psyche in 2026, finnding vast micro colonies on semi-autonomous agents with power, transpiration and manufacturing capacities. The race is on to [2^2^2 Psyche] value...high-thrust one way, moon bounce to mars then close-solar I think, in 2019...magnetic hibernation.

 My Lyrical dreaming,
Dress right dress.
Agency, Dominion, Possession.

On May 26, 2017, at 11:55, Harold Kinslear <harld.kinslear@gmail.com> wrote:

3D nano printer, assemble ants, colonize metallicLuna for mice and men.

Go. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/icfp


On May 26, 2017, at 11:45, Harold Kinslear <harld.kinslear@gmail.com> wrote:

Hack the Solar System, colony claims...
