Installer has a very big advantage: its name. That name is descriptive und discoverable. We should benefit from that and evolve Installer into something we all like. :-)


Am 30.04.2020 10:54:43 schrieb Tobias Pape <>:

> On 30.04.2020, at 10:21, Marcel Taeumel wrote:
> Installer can become a great starting point for code and resource loading for all kinds of local experiments. Including file-in from the file system. It might already be: Installer class >> installFile:.
> So, Installer is at a different abstraction level and has different use cases compared to Metacello.

Seems like it, but it ultimately waters down and mixes installations of different abstractions.
That is probably wrong.

For me, Installer currently is not more than a shim atop Monticello. All other usecases of it have either vanished or are better expressed declaratively (as in Metacello).

Best regards