As one of the unwary who has baked HTTPClient into my application, I went to the Squeak Wiki to see what I could find about deprecation and found the documentation about Deprecation and deprecated. The deprecated entry had three instances of self reference and no link to Deprecation, so I made some changes to make it more helpful.

- jrm

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 3:42 PM tim Rowledge <> wrote:

> On 2019-01-21, at 1:25 AM, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
> What is the background information for this?

HTTPClient appears to be essentially dead, which means I'd like to remove it and avoid the cognitive load of having pointless stuff in the image that can trap the unwary.

So far as I can tell it was a wrapper for sockets that might be actual sockets of browser-plugin-pseudo-socket-things; since we can't run in a browser any more it has no real purpose. Unless I'm wrong about the browser thing, we could clean out some cruft and simplify our socket story a bit.

tim Rowledge;;
Useful random insult:- One flower short of an arrangement.