Are you aware that you asking for something which already done and exists?

On 31 October 2013 21:16, tim Rowledge <> wrote:
Want to make $1000.00 (that’s one thousand USD in case I mistyped the number of zeros) and be a hero?

I’m seriously not interested in delving into the insanity of either automake nor cmake; my experiences thus far have left scars. So, in order to avoid pain whilst getting a Cog/stackvm build system that gets reasonably close to that in place for the plain interpreter (see - with a side aim of eventually merging - I am offering some money.

For someone that actually knows this stuff I suspect it is an easy, if perhaps long-winded, job. The acceptance test that determines when payment can be made would be
a) Eliot & Ian agreeing that it is good enough to replace the auto-blargh horror that is currently in use (that’s a pretty high bar)
b) successful addition of the Raspberry Pi faster-blt code to the cog/stack build, as with the current plain interpreter build

tim Rowledge;;
Useful Latin Phrases:- Canis meus id comedit = My dog ate it.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.