Hi Masashi.

No, this is on Squeak 3.8 (Smalltalk vmVersion returns 'Squeak3.8gamma of ''24 November 2004'' [latest update: #6548]'), SUnit version 3.1.22, SoapCore 0.8.

It certainly seems like some kind of threading/timing issue - but things are very strange. For a bit more detail: If I put a break point in the method "testSimpleEnvelopeSend" in SoapHttpClientTestCase thus:

    | curPort retXML envelope body method |
    SoapServerSetup startOnly: #(http).
    SoapServiceHandler default add: self simpleService.
    curPort := SoapSetting defaultPortAt: #http.
    self halt. ' <--------- Here's the break point
    retXML := (SoapHttpClient url: 'http://localhost:', curPort printString, '/' ) send: self simpleEnvelope.
    envelope := SoapEnvelopeBuilder new buildSoapEnvelopeFromXmlString: retXML.

Then if I wait a few seconds, the proceed, that test send works. If I press process quickly, then it doesn't work.

So it looks like the section where the simpleService  is added to the server isn't being given enough time to establish a listening port. Does that look correct?


Masashi UMEZAWA wrote:

Do you use Squeak 3.9a? If so, I think it is partly because of the new
TestRunner, which seems to be running multi-threaded now.

I will upgrade my test cases for the next release.


2006/1/31, Simon Kirk <Simon.Kirk@pinesoft.co.uk>:
Hello all. I'm playing with the soap toolkit from SqueakMap, but
something seems to be wrong: If I run some SUnit tests (specifically
client ones - such as SoapHttpClientTestCase, or SoapCallTestCase) they
are failing, saying they cannot connect to the server (localhost, port
8823). However, if I step through the tests via debugging, right into
the point where the call is made to the server, the call appears to work
fine (a connection is made, the expected return is received).

What could be wrong here? It's almost like with the automated tests the
server is dying before the tests are ever connecting.


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[:masashi | ^umezawa]