I can install a library and start communicating over sockets with one line of code?!  That's incredible.

[Incidentally, as a system administrator, I did ask about diffing two filesystems: http://serverfault.com/questions/10424/diffing-two-filesystems .  (grin)]


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 7:59 AM, David Mitchell <david.mitchell@gmail.com> wrote:
People have certainly built tools that do image archeology but they
have tended to be more academic than practical.

Outside of Squeak, imagine writing a tool to look at two WMware VMDK
files onto which two different people had installed Windows, Firefox,
and various other tools. It might be theoretically possible to write a
program that would look at two VMDKs and tell you about the different
versions of programs that are installed, but it is practically very
difficult. It would be much easier to start both machines on the
network and have them inventory their programs and then compare.

If you are interested in having two (running) Squeaks talk to one
another, you might want to look at Magma. Magma can store just about
any Squeak object in an object database that multiple Squeaks can

Magma's remote framework can be used outside of Magma. It is available
as "Ma client server" See this page for details and usage:


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Clinton Blackmore
<clinton.blackmore@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I suppose an image is a virtual machine suspended in time.  I hadn't
> even considered comparing things other than the source code.
> I'd wondered about filing everything out.  That sounds like the way to go.
>  Having the two images talk to each other and run comparisons also sounds
> very interesting -- but sounds rather difficult (although, perhaps it is not
> and it is just my lack of understanding of squeak that makes it seem so).
> Clinton
> On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 4:07 AM, Mateusz Grotek <unoduetre@poczta.onet.pl>
> wrote:
>> If you want to compare source code only, you can file it out. You could
>> also write some code in both images, and ask them to do comparisons (use
>> sockets of fifos, or similar mechanisms for IPC).
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